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Fashion Tag

10 Oct

J Brand: jeans in real denim ready to wear

Founded in 2005 in Los Angeles, the original J Brand j brand jeans is a young but brilliant diamond in the ready-to-wear scene. Creator and dreamer Jeff Rudes, CEO of the brand and co-founder together with former stylist Susie Crippen, has made the passion for fashion a starting point for creating something exclusive. Constantly on the edge of innovation, only a few years have passed since the brand saw the light in Los Angeles and from that relaxed fit of an ultra skinny jeans we have moved to a different awareness: luxury materials and modern sensitivity in design. Pioneers of the lean silhouette, today J Brand has a new awareness that focuses on the sustainability of materials in favor of a...
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1 Oct

Erika Cavallini: The originality of a detail out of place

erika cavallini winter 2020 collection
Perfection bores her and she sees something in that out-of-place detail. And from that "unusual" detail, Erika Cavallini has made the strength of her maison. Born in 2009, the brand quickly position edit self as a knowhow in the fashion industry. Having established herself with a collection called Semicoture. The tireless designer, aware of her talent, began to make herself known with a simple word of mouth. In 2002 she never thought she would get as far as she does today. From the door-to-door knowledge of his brand, we moved on to the investment in the brand by a great entrepreneur from Carpi. Shortly after, everything becomes a dream: success, affirmation and the possibility to walk the Paris catwalk with his creations...
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27 Sep

Dondup: denim with universal comfort

Letter "D" means Dondup but it also denim. An exclusive, pregiate and special trouserrs in jeans fabric that has always been the most fundamental component of the heart of the popular brand and focus of the Di/zero project. Sensible and customer-oriented, the brand has become the spokesman of a pioneering adventure in the field of fashion. Through washing and special treatments, the brand has as its goal the extension to the entire production of techniques aimed at saving the use of fundamental resources such as water for the creation of jeans, also significantly reducing the use of chemicals substances to the planet. Ambition and eyes facing to the future are the unmistakable characteristics of Dondup jeans. Started in 1999, the beautiful...
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