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erika cavallini Tag

1 Oct

Erika Cavallini: The originality of a detail out of place

erika cavallini winter 2020 collection
Perfection bores her and she sees something in that out-of-place detail. And from that "unusual" detail, Erika Cavallini has made the strength of her maison. Born in 2009, the brand quickly position edit self as a knowhow in the fashion industry. Having established herself with a collection called Semicoture. The tireless designer, aware of her talent, began to make herself known with a simple word of mouth. In 2002 she never thought she would get as far as she does today. From the door-to-door knowledge of his brand, we moved on to the investment in the brand by a great entrepreneur from Carpi. Shortly after, everything becomes a dream: success, affirmation and the possibility to walk the Paris catwalk with his creations...
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2 Sep

Semicouture: an idea by Erika Cavallini

A present time fully lived through the name of the brand founded by Erika Cavallini. A project that began in 2009 and started from the borders of Crevalcore in the province of Bologna and then expatriated without limits thanks to "capo No.1", now taken up again after seven years and renewed with more determination than ever by Andrea Vincenzi and his wife Erika Cavallini, designer of the Semicouture garments. The stylist, also accomplice of a trip to France during which she came across a stamp in a brocantage market that gives her the push for the creation of the brand, restarts from her origins, from that first designed dress that consecrated her to the world of fashion and determined the climb...
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